Starting from WEB3, socialization of parenting and lifelong learning


Socialized parenting is a novel social structure that can eliminate the problems brought about by the family system, provide each individual with adequate attention and care, and eliminate the division between the rich and the poor. Achieving socialized parenting requires the implementation of various systems and practices, such as depriving people of the right to have children at will, conducting health checks and economic audits, and requiring parental training and evaluation. Such reforms can ensure that every child receives adequate care and education, increasing their opportunities for growth and participation in society.

Socialized parenting is not limited to children’s education but also requires a comprehensive reform of the education system. Compulsory education should be extended to high school to cultivate more talent to promote the continuous development of society. At the same time, we can use technological advances to improve the quality of education at all levels and promote a qualitative leap in society as a whole.

In the context of the continuous advancement of productivity, social relationships also need to keep pace with the times. Once artificial uteri are available to help those who are unable to conceive naturally, we can further perfect the socialized parenting system. With the support of strong artificial intelligence, we can establish a more comprehensive lifelong learning mechanism to help people develop in all areas of knowledge, skills, and ideas in a more comprehensive and personalized way. At the same time, we can use tools such as blockchain technology and smart contracts to further improve the management, efficiency, and fairness of socialized parenting and lifelong learning. This can promote society towards a more just, equal, and progressive direction.

Ultimately, social reform requires continuous exploration and experimentation. We need to understand how to make use of emerging powers such as technology, advance thinking, and promote society towards a more fair, equal, open, and progressive direction.


In summary, socialization of parenting can give everyone equal opportunities and attention, while eliminating the gap between the rich and the poor. At the same time, high-quality education and technological developments can help people constantly progress and make breakthroughs.



Compulsory education should be extended to high school to cultivate more talent to promote the continuous development of society.

Progress in productivity contributes to social change

Compulsory education should be extended to high school to cultivate more talent to promote the continuous development of society.

At the same time, we can use tools such as blockchain technology and smart contracts to further improve the management, efficiency, and fairness of socialized parenting and lifelong learning.