Puss in Boots – The Crypto Tavern for 1E9 Festival 2024

Web3 can sometimes be a bit dry of a topic. But what if you combined it with cherry brandy!? Is this seroius or fun? Yes! Welcome to „Puss in Boots – The Crypto Tavern“ a cozy hangout for web3 cats at 1E9’s Festival of the Future – and beyond. The Crypto Tavern is a hybrid installation exploring web3 as a stage for decentralized community activities. The Tavern consists of digital crypto wallets and smart contracts on the Tezos blockchain as well as a physical booth at the Deutsches Museum durin...

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://1e9.community/t/puss-in-boots-the-crypto-tavern-for-1e9-festival-2024/20439