HelloImSteven / applescript-lines-annotated

Dataset Card for “applescript-lines-annotated”


This is a dataset of single lines of AppleScript code scraped from GitHub and GitHub Gist and manually annotated with descriptions, intents, prompts, and other metadata.


Each row contains 8 features:

  • text - The raw text of the AppleScript code.
  • source - The name of the file from which the line originates.
  • type - Either compiled (files using the .scpt extension) or uncompiled (everything else).
  • intents - A list of intents the line invokes. See Intents for more info.
  • tags - A list of tags associated with the line. See Tags for more info.
  • description - One or more sentences describing what the line does, what its purpose is, and other relevant context.
  • customTerms - A list of the custom terms used in the line, such as variable or handler names.
  • main_prompt - A relevant prompt specific to the line.
  • other_prompts - A list of prompts relevant to the line (but not necessarily specific to it).


Intents describe the actions carried out by a line of code, i.e. what the line does. All intents used are listed below.

Intent Example Line
set property property myProperty: 5
set variable set myVariable to 5
begin handler definition on makePDF(title, content)
end handler definition end makePDF
call handler `my makePDF(“Example Title”, “Example content”)
perform action on script execution on run
access value of property log myProperty
access value of variable log myVariable
get substring text 2 thru end of "Hello"
concatenate strings “Hello” & " world"
check condition if x > 4 then
end condition end if
begin instructions tell application "System Events"
end instructions end tell
interact with user interface click at {100, 200}
pause delay 2
begin error handling try
end error handling end try
perform action open location "https://google.com"
begin repetition repeat with i from 1 thru 5
end repetition end repeat
filter list set t to tracks whose unplayed is true
return return 5
import library use framework "Foundation"
display UI element display dialog "Test"
open file set f to open for access filePath
close file close access f
begin script definition script myScript
end script definition end script
declare variable local x, y
handle error on error err


Tags described what a line is or what it contains. All tags used are listed below.

  • contains handler
  • contains list
  • contains property
  • contains variable
  • start of block
  • complete statement
  • contains raw text
  • contains location specifier
  • contains condition
  • contains number
  • end of block
  • contains boolean
  • gui scripting
  • contains comment
  • contains cast
  • AsOBjC
  • shebang
  • contains script object
  • contains record


This dataset was created for the AppleScript-Summarizer model as a personal project, but it can be used by others for any purpose.

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Size of downloaded dataset files:

123 kB

Size of the auto-converted Parquet files:
123 kB

Number of rows:


Models trained or fine-tuned onHelloImSteven/applescript-lines-annotated



](HelloImSteven/AppleScript-Summarizer · Hugging Face)

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