Abstract Art Paintings

In this noisy society, what we need most is a green hair and a pair of hands that can pull us forward. However, when we see those abstract art paintings, we can only feel a sense of cold powerlessness. These paintings seem to hide a moral: they symbolize the reality of our society, which is cold, unfeeling and incomprehensible.

In a world filled with greed and deceit, we have become indifferent, cold and selfish. But these abstract art paintings tell us that in this world, we can only rely on ourselves. We need to put on a pair of green eyes to see the truth of this world. We need a pair of strong hands to save ourselves as much as we can.

So, are you still expecting someone else to save you? Reality is not like that. In this real world, we can only see ourselves as a piece of art and create beautiful paintings with our lives. Let these paintings be our legacy to future generations and exist forever in time. Because only in this way can we keep human civilization moving forward and continue to create a better future.


There is a grim feeling. :joy: :joy: